

Relationship vs. Religion

Relationship vs. Religion

We are commanded to take the Gospel to all nations, but we cannot forget we have also been commanded to share it with all generations. God is moving all over the world, but don't miss what He is doing with the younger generations in the US.  Revival is stirring.” Sean Dunn, Founder / President,, 

 Something is happening in our nation. There is a growing hunger for an authentic touch from God. So how do we as believers, as employers, and as business owners lean into the opportunities to share the good news of Jesus and His hope, purpose, forgiveness, and salvation?  How can we influence those in our families (kids and grandkids), our businesses, and our communities to see Jesus as He truly is? 

 Sean Dunn, Founder of and, shares with us how we can participate in the movement TOWARD Jesus - putting us right in the middle of what God is doing.  

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Remember the power of words; with words Jesus calmed the seas and rebuked Satan. Our choice of words will powerfully define us as well as the platforms we represent.

The words we choose can invite further conversation or shut communication down before it begins. What words do you use? Ron Henry is in the ‘people business’ and currently serves as Executive Director of Expansion, Marketplace Chaplains. Ron understands firsthand the power of words and how words can invite (or limit) our ability to create a meaningful connection with another person.

7 Lessons of the Past for Insights Today on Managing People in a Recession

7 Lessons of the Past for Insights Today on Managing People in a Recession

As today’s global economy leans toward recession, many organizations face pressures. Seven Lessons about Managing People in Recession Times can be adapted to today’s changing business context.

Many thanks to Dave Ulrich, one of the highest acclaimed speakers and writers on the topics of leadership, human resources, and organizations - and a true friend of Convene’s - for sharing this article with us.

Above All Else: Guard Your Culture

Above All Else: Guard Your Culture

“Organizations with strong cultures win. They out sell, out serve and out perform their competition.” Dee Ann Turner, Dee Ann Turner & Associates, LLC, former VP of Talent, and VP of Sustainability for Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Leading a successful culture takes intentionality each day. Dee Ann helped architect Chick-fil-A, Inc.’s well-known culture and talent systems and shares her wisdom around building, protecting, and guarding your company’s culture. Are you able to recognize the signs of a slowly eroding culture and what steps you can take to course correct?