
Faith at Work

Who Was on Jesus’ Team? The Case for Unity in Diversity

Who Was on Jesus’ Team? The Case for Unity in Diversity

Diversity. It can be a hot topic and it means different things to different people. What does it mean to us as Christ followers in our various contexts, and how do we think about the concept of unity in diversity on our teams through the lens of scripture?

Neal Joseph, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Mission:Leadership, a faith-based executive recruiting firm, shares his thoughts on diversity based on who was on Jesus’ team.

Faithful vs. Willful

Faithful vs. Willful

Have you ever been told you’re ‘strong-willed?’ Have you ever wondered how that intersects with our calling to be ‘faithful?’

We’re thankful to Bea Wray, our Convene chair from Charleston, SC for thinking authentically on ‘Willful vs. Faithful’. In her blog, she shares how adding the component of ‘grateful’ helps us as we seek balance between faithful and willful - AND honor the way God uniquely created us as leaders.

Five Benefits of Excellent Work

Five Benefits of Excellent Work

A well-known axiom holds that the pursuit of excellence is a key to business success. Knowing that our work serves a vital purpose in God’s kingdom gives added depth to this pursuit. Our quest for workplace excellence is driven by acknowledging God as our primary stakeholder: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” (Col. 3:23). Whatever our job description, we work in God’s kingdom, and so we do work that befits a King.

An Ordinary Day with God

An Ordinary Day with God

I was in India for a mission trip in 2009 and I was as sick as a dog. The long train ride to Nepal from Delhi was one where the clickety clack of the train coupled with the food I was not used to just about did me in. I ended up in a little tiny train bathroom turning green with people shaking the door trying to get in since I’d been there so long. Enough said.