

Connecting Through Faith: The Benefits of Networking for Christian Business Professionals

Connecting Through Faith: The Benefits of Networking for Christian Business Professionals

Networking is an important aspect of business leadership that can help Christian leaders build strong relationships, expand their influence, and advance their goals. It is important for Christian leaders to grow together, use one another as resources, and support one another. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of networking with Christian business leaders.

Are you a light carrier or a light barrier?

Are you a light carrier or a light barrier?

It was the mid-1970’s. I was a young teenager and on this particular day, I was a passenger in one of those big boat size cars driving up a winding mountain road. The driver was my 5 foot 2-inch spiritual mentor Lionel Mayell. To me, he was a spiritual giant. We were headed towards Campus Crusade for Christ (now CRU) offices in Southern California. That morning, the trajectory of my entire life was about to change because Lionel Mayell was a light carrier. He carried the light of the love of Jesus in his head and it moved to his heart and spread to his hands and feet. He was a great man who served me and shaped me deeply.