
A Spiritual Forecast

The spiritual forecast for our world is rather cloudy.

Yet, regardless of the leader of your country, you’re still a leader in your company. The spiritual forecast for the world depends on you, and it starts in your business.

Let’s take a quick look at our culture. Os Guinness is an English author, social critic, philosopher and great-great-great-grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer of Guinness beer. He’s a scholar at the Brookings Institute and the Trinity Forum. 

In his latest book, Last Call for Liberty, Os says that in the good old USA, the society is more divided than at any time since its house nearly fell during the Civil War. That’s a sobering statement!

What shall we do? What can you do? What if you were to start to change the world by changing the part you can influence? What if you simply focused on the people working in your company? God has placed you in a position to influence the lives of people around you every day.

Here are some questions to ponder:

  • How do you raise the question of God, Monday through Friday?

  • When you leave, retire or sell the company, what will your legacy be?

Your corporation does not make it into Heaven, just the people! As leaders who are apprentices to the master, Jesus, you’re not here just to make a living, you’re here to breathe life into the souls of your team members.

Studies reveal that 70% of workers are just punching a clock. As a leader, you have cultural power and influence with your team members, but God wants you to use that power sacrificially. 

So, what’s the Spiritual forecast for the country? Well, that depends on you.

At Convene there are hundreds of faith-based leaders making a difference in society through the lives of their team members.

Here’s one example:

In the fall, kids return to school. For most people, they take their kids to the store and buy them a new backpack and school supplies. That’s because they have the extra cash to do so, but that’s not the case for everyone. Many don’t have the spare money to get their kids new stuff, so they head for school with last year’s tattered backpack and a case full of chewed-up pencils – not the best way to start a year of learning.

At OmniDuct in Southern California, Convene member Bob Brumleu buys fully-stocked backpacks for their team members’ kids. It’s just one way they say “we appreciate you” to their team members.

Want some more ideas like that one? Download this PDF for a list of questions to review with your team as you begin a list of things you can implement right away to reveal God’s kingdom principles in your company as you help your team members thrive, not just survive.

My prayer for you is that your business would be about leaders; women and men, living in community, making culture better so humans can flourish; and your workers, customers and vendors to have the curtain pulled back on the meaning and purpose of life. When that happens in your company, it’s possible for the entire world to change as we move the culture toward its God-ordained purpose.



Greg Leith is the CEO of Convene. He was born in Canada and lived in all four corners of North America. His career spans over 35 years of senior leadership roles in corporate, non-profit and academic sectors. Recently, he served as Director of Strategic Alliances for 13 years at Biola University in California.