

Management, Theology and the Marketplace

The intersection of Management, Theology and the Marketplace is where you as a Christian leader/manager spend most of your vocational time. As such you experience regularly the dynamics and relationships between them. It is my experience that very few other people, including most spiritual counselors, really understand the intersection. Listen to what Peter Drucker, the renowned management leader said about that intersection: "I have learned more theology as a practicing management consultant than when I taught religion."

That is an amazing statement!

He goes on to elaborate.

"  . . because the object of management is a human community held together by the work bond for a common purpose, management always deals with the nature of Man (as all of us with any practical experience have learned) with Good and Evil, as well."

That so well illustrates the unique challenges that Christian business leaders face and experience on a daily basis. And because it is a unique intersection there are few resources to refer to; hence the positive advantages of groups of fellow Christian leaders who understand both the challenge of being a CEO/Leader and of being committed to do so with a biblical view point of man and other resources. God is a part of the equation.

Drucker adds:

"Society needs a return to spiritual values - not to offset the material but to make it fully productive, . . . . . The individual needs the return to spiritual values, for he can survive in the present human situation only by reaffirming that man is not just a biological and physiological being being also a spiritual being, that is creature, and existing for the purposes of his Creator and subject to Him".

As we just celebrated the Advent event of Christ's birth, and as we plan our 2015 journeys, consider the opportunities and responsibilities of growing in the intersection of Management, Theology and the Marketplace.

Management, Theology and the Marketplace

The intersection of Management, Theology and the Marketplace is the place where you as a Christian leader/manager spend most of your vocational time. As such, you experience regularly the dynamics and relationships between them. Very few other people, including most spiritual counselors, really understand the intersection. Listen to what Peter Drucker, the renowned management leader said about that intersection: "I have learned more theology as a practicing management consultant than when I taught religion."

That is an amazing statement!

He goes on to elaborate.

"...because the object of management is a human community held together by the work bond for a common purpose, management always deals with the nature of Man (as all of us with any practical experience have learned), and with Good and Evil, as well."

That illustrates the unique challenges that Christian business leaders face and experience on a daily basis. Because it is a unique intersection, useful resources are difficult to find. Hence the positive advantages of groups of fellow Christian leaders who understand both the challenge of being a CEO/Leader and of committing to do so from a biblical viewpoint. God is a part of the equation, and a community of like-minded individuals can provide guidance and support.

Lock It Down! God is in Control

I heard a speaker from South America, a man who had a deeply spiritual and unusual relationship with God.  He made a comment I've never forgotten.  He said that spiritually, he lived up here, holding his hand high, and we live down here, holding his hand low.  He wasn't intending to demean our spiritual condition, but was making the point that there is a spiritual realm that most followers of Christ have not arrived at—and probably never will—perhaps especially in North America. You see, in our capitalist, scientific, consumer brand of Christianity, the supernatural is just that, not natural.  To this man, the supernatural was natural.  To him, being Christian meant that he sees the world from God's point of view.  He doesn't believe in coincidence, accidents or surprises when it comes to his belief and understanding of God.  His God is the Creator of all things and holds all things together.  His God is all-powerful, all-knowing and a God of plan and purpose.  His God raises up one and puts down another, because He is in charge of the affairs of men.  He is never surprised at what happens because He already knows.  His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. He knows everything, and He's everywhere all the time, and makes all His decisions with our best interests in mind.

So, it follows that He never bites His fingernails wondering what is going to happen or who is going to win, like, an election.  Many followers of this God were biting their fingernails and bordering on a state of panic because they believed there was so much at stake in this recent election.  So, why were they afraid?  Probably because they were focused on the potential problem rather than the solution.  I'm thinking that if we have our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, and if we have the Gospel on our hearts like He has it on His, we have absolutely no reason to be afraid.  God is committed to seeing people reconciled to Him through His Son's shed blood on the Cross.

News flash! God knew who was going to win this election!  God will put the right man in office that will do the best job in accomplishing His Gospel agenda.  All candidates have agendas.  So does God.  In light of these truths, if our desired candidate loses, will we praise God anyway?  Will we look at God and His ways and what He knows is best for the Gospel's sake, or in our limited understanding, want what we think is best for America, whether it's best for the Gospel or not?

The point is that when we, as God's people, can say, as Jesus did, "Not my will, Father, but Your will be done," we will praise God because He knows what's best regardless of how it looks or feels to us.  Let's keep in mind that it's not about winning or losing.  It's about God and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.  You and I don't know which candidate will serve God's Gospel purposes best, so let's trust Him with that, and praise Him no matter who won.  And by the way, I think God is saddened by how big a deal we're making out of this whole mess, as if He is no longer in control.  So let's lock our theology down and be about our Father's business, and relax.