
integrating faith and work

Order and Life: Work as Worship in Practice

Order and Life: Work as Worship in Practice

God made us to work. If you’re a Christian professional, chances are you’ve heard the phrase. Maybe from a pastor, a conference speaker, or someone in the office. But when it comes right down to the first minutes of our morning on Monday, the abstract does us little good. How do we take the idea of work as worship and make it a reality? The work as worship idea says that the five days (or more) we spend each week at work give us the opportunity to expand God’s kingdom. We can use the talents and skills God has given us to worship Him on more than just Sunday. It’s a compelling message—but what does that look like lived out?

Impact Your Mission Field

Impact Your Mission Field

Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, states that when business professionals don’t view their business as a ministry, there are consequences. They don’t read their Bibles, pray, or worship God outside church services. They don’t share their faith or make disciples. They don’t hold themselves accountable to the same standards of Christian conduct as those they consider to be in “full-time” ministries. They don’t activate their spiritual gifts. They assume God isn’t relevant outside of the church. Those business leaders who do view their business as a ministry have integrated their faith and work.

From Spoke to Center: What Zig Ziglar Got Wrong

In 1978 two significant things happened to me. One certainly more significant in eternal value but both caused a major change in my life. The first I prayed the sinner’s prayer and gave my life to Jesus Christ and became a born-again Believer, more on that later. The second is I met Zig Ziglar through his book See You at the Top. Several years later I went to work for The Zig Ziglar Corporation and remained there for over five years. One on the many things I learned from Zig was the whole concept of “life balance.” At that point, I was in my second marriage and perusing the brass ring. It was all about work and getting to the next level. Zig helped me understand the important of balancing faith, family, health, finances as well as career.

Faith@Work, Pt. 2 | Helen Mitchell

Welcome back to Season 1, Episode 9 of the Convene Podcast. The concept of being called to a particular line of work is usually relegated to pastors and religious vocations. But what if you could be called to a position in the workplace? What if your calling to business was every bit as holy as your pastor’s calling to the church? At Convene, we strongly believe that the workplace is a “sacred space” and that many of us are called by God to serve there.