
Creating a Culture

One of the many things that makes up the “awesome mantle of leadership” company leaders are responsible for is a company culture. To overly simplify, culture is best demonstrated through the attitudes and emotions that bubble up at the employee level based on how it flows down from the company owners and leadership team. There is plenty of information out today about the importance of culture and employee engagement and the like. It is the flavor of the day in management circles. For the Christian business leader intentionally developing our culture is a powerful way to put feet to our faith. To quote a worn but true cliché, much more is caught than taught. The disciples were often amazed at what Christ said. But it seems what he did was just as impactful, maybe more so.

Since our culture flows out of who we are as leaders, then often changing our culture flows out of who we need to become as leaders. As a starting point for reflection we like the way Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry Wehmiller, breaks it down in his book “Everybody Matters”.

FOUR PILLARS OF CULTURE A) A shared long term vision B) Fostering a people-centric culture C) Developing leaders from within C) Sending people home fulfilled

Asking ourselves some questions in each of these areas gives us the area where we likely need to focus to create the culture we want.

Vision: Do our people know where we are going as a company and how we will get there?

People-centric: When is the last time we asked an employee how they were doing and meant it? Do we really believe everybody matters? Do we see them as means to a financial end or precious son’s and daughters with trials and struggles and hopes and dreams – and with amazing potential infused in them by the God who created them?

Leadership: Does what we do to produce leaders really work? Are we producing leaders who know how to unleash that God given potential our people have? Are we pouring in to a few so we can duplicate ourselves and build a team that does it better without us?

Fulfilled: Have you ever taken a minute to send a note (and maybe a gift card) to a spouse of a loyal employee just to say – your spouse is awesome and does such a good job for us. Intentionally created cultures tend to produce a more enjoyable workplace. They tend to help us retain employees. Along the way they tend to help send the business owner home more fulfilled as well!

vNacelle Consulting-